Invisalign™ vs. Braces: Cost, Speed, and Effectiveness

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Invisalign™ is a great choice to boost your confidence and give you that Hollywood smile! These clear aligners help your teeth fit in your mouth just right by gradually moving them into position. There is one question that remains…is Invisalign™ better than braces?

Why Invisalign™ Can Be the Clear Winner

Depending on your situation, Invisalign™ can be a preferred choice to traditional braces. These innovative aligners are a series of removable, invisible trays that gently shift your teeth into the desired position. These trays offer many benefits.

Invisibility – As mentioned above, the aligners are clear which means you can feel confident knowing no one will know you are wearing an oral appliance. You can straighten your teeth discreetly. This ideal situation is perfect for all ages because a mouth filled with metal wires and brackets can be both uncomfortable and very obvious.  

Comfort – Traditional braces can be quite an annoyance, literally. The metal brackets and wires may poke and prod at your gums, tongue, and cheeks. With Invisalign™, you can freely move your mouth around without anything getting in the way thanks to the smooth surface of the aligners.

Cost Effective – Is Invisalign™ cheaper than braces? The cost is similar to traditional braces however your insurance plan may cover some or all of the fees involved.  You might be able to set up a payment plan with your dentist to avoid having to come up with a large chunk of money all at once.

Speedy – Invisalign™ works quickly but is Invisalign™ faster than braces?  Clear aligners can adjust your teeth in a similar amount of time as traditional braces with the same results. You’ll save time because you don’t have to visit the dentist every month for a tightening of wires. It is usually recommended to see your dentist only about every six weeks so you can get new trays. A year and a half is the average time you have to wear the aligners. However, every case is different, and the timeframe will depend on the severity of your oral issue.

Overall Effectiveness – When you have a healthy mouth, you are usually healthier overall. Properly aligning your teeth helps to avoid further dental complications or problems with nutrition due to difficulty chewing your food.

How Do You Know If You Are a Good Candidate for Invisalign™?

When asking if Invisalign™ is better than braces, every dentist will look at three things regarding your case.

1. Good Oral Hygiene – If you have a healthy mouth then Invisalign™ should work well since there are no issues to impede your treatment.  

2. Washing – As with your teeth and gums, clear aligners need to be washed regularly to keep away bacteria and plaque. If something gets stuck in your aligners, it could prevent them from functioning correctly until you can have new trays made.  There are cleaning crystals specifically made to wash your Invisalign™. These are used with some lukewarm water to cleanse and rinse your appliance at least twice daily.

3. Permanent Teeth – Typically only teens and adults get this type of oral appliance. The reason for this is all your permanent teeth need to be in place before getting fitted for Invisalign™. Proper fitting avoids issues with the normal growth pattern of your teeth.

If Invisalign™ is not an option for you then your dentist will offer alternative treatment choices to align your teeth.

Removable Braces

With Invisalign™, you can take your aligners out. Remember that you must wear them for at least 22 hours a day for optimal results. Eating and drinking is easier with clear aligners since you can pop them out during meals and put them back in place after a quick rinse.  Removing your aligners when consuming food and beverages helps avoid staining from highly pigmented products.  

Each time you remove your orthodontic appliance, make sure to place it in a secured air-tight container to prevent germs from getting at it and growing unwanted bacteria. Always rinse your Invisalign™ before putting it back in your mouth.

Invisalign™ - Aligning Things Right

Invisalign™ helps you have the aesthetic you desire while providing solid benefits including the technology that allows you to see how the whole process will play out before you begin. At Northmount Dental Care, we guide you through the entire process of straightening your teeth and filling in any gaps. Get the answers and treatment you need from one of our dental professionals. Your smile is important to us.

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